It was back to the lake today. I decided to bike, while Odd and the kids took the chairs in the car.
On the path... |
It was a great exercise. I love all the biking here. It is just so convenient and easy to get everywhere on a bike. It is no wonder that the Swedes can eat all the good food and still stay (mostly) slim.
Odd enjoys the sunshine |
It was a beautiful, sunny day. The new adventure at the lake was the great swimming and diving/jumping that Sofia and Elliot accomplished. This was the first day we lengthen the leash. They got to swim out to the platform alone.
Elliot and Sofia take their places on the jumping platform |
After we meet back at the house we had a taco night with Karin and Lasse. Good food, real food. We had been feasting in Swedish sandwiches and pizza a few too many night. It was nice to have a "real" meal.
Something we promised the kids we would try while we were here was camping in the yard, like they have seen their friends do before. So, Karin and Lasse let us borrow their little tent. I will report on how this went tomorrow.
Karin sets up the tent |
Kids are ready for a night in the yard....maybe?! |
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